Thursday, 30 June 2016

Find your Inner Self through OUTLIVE

 OUTLIVE - A Journey to Oneself


Why should we make personal retreat? What are the benefits of this retreat? Is it simply a waste of time?

Couple of days ago, I have received these kinds of queries from various people lives in different corner of world. The reason behind these questions was the advertisement on our personalized retreat trip namely “Outlive”. In the light of these questions, i would like to give clear idea on "outlive". (Some of the points mentioned here i have referred from some articles in the internet)

The value of personal retreats was understood in my life during my priesthood studies. The personal retreat was a compulsory programme in the seminary. Every month we had this custom of practicing the personal retreat. But, the real effect and result of this personal retreat I have experienced during my personal life. (I was a seminarian for about 10 years).

What is Personal Retreat

Personal Retreats are not vacations. It is not the occasion to watch TV or play games or catch up on chatting with Friends. These are extended times of quiet and solitude where one can have conversation with their inner voice and examine your consciousness. This helps us to review our day to day life (day to day relationships) and correct the errors. Further we chart our goal for fresh begin. As my opinion a short personal retreat should be conducted twice in a month.

Why should we need retreat?

All the religions in the world propagate the message of Love. Love towards God, Love towards our co-beings, Love towards nature etc. Hence, it is very important that we should examine our love (relationship) with others. All our activity in the personal and officials life is always depends upon the relation with others. The same way the success or the failure is mostly depends on our relationships.

 The concept of God is always in us and it is our duty to find within us. The unconscious mind is highly strong which can overcome any challenges in life. But, many people fail to discover this power within them. This is the root-cause of all failure in their life. Take the life of people who achieved great success in life. They had constant self motivation, inner happiness and strong will power to achieve the same. All these success factors achieved through constant prayer, meditation, yoga, disciplined life, reading etc.

A recent study of human happiness by the distinguished British economist Richard Layard concludes that the most significant factor for personal happiness is relationships with other people. And what personal relationship could be more important than the relationship with God?

The normal modern world in which we live is extremely mentally stimulating. Actually, I don’t think we have the language to adequately express how much sensory stimulation we are exposed to on a moment by moment basis. The modern marketing machines sole purpose is to infiltrate our consciousness, and with so many competing forces clamoring for our attention we are bathed in an information soup that we are ill-equipped to constantly handle.

In this busy worldly life, however, everyone occasionally feels a need for inner rejuvenation. Whether you want simply to reclaim your inner peace in the midst of a hectic life, or do some soul searching over your life directions, or go deeper into your spiritual life, going on retreat can be a perfect solution. Giving yourself the gift of time away in quiet reflection, time away to concentrate on those things that you know are so important, time away to connect with your deeper self, is profoundly powerful.

How should we conduct Retreat?

Many feel unable to do this, fearing that those in their lives will be unable to cope in their absence. While it may be difficult to organize initially, undergoing a period of spiritual incubation will have untold benefits to you, and all those that surround you. You will receive a new perspective on your life and the spiritual strength to make difficult decisions upon your return. The whole world benefits from your time away.

Suitable Location

Seek out a place that is harmonious with your goals. The right environment can give you a tremendous boost — while the wrong one can leave you feeling flat, or even work against you. So do your homework and ask some questions, because even similar-seeming places can have quite different emphases.
Do you want a highly structured retreat, or do you want freedom to do what inspires you? Do you think you might need some guidance in customizing your retreat, or do you know exactly what you want to do? Choose a retreat center that offers what you seek.

Make yourself ready
As important of the location & methods of retreat your self preparation  is also very importantBecause it is yourself that desire the strong personal changes.
Eat right and get rested before you go on retreat; otherwise, you may need the first day or two of your retreat just to pull yourself together. If you already engage in spiritual practices, get a head start by putting extra energy into them before departing. You’ll be glad you did.
As soon as you leave home, put all problems forcefully out of your mind. Preoccupation with problems can suffocate your retreat, while a worry-free retreat can actually help you solve problems more effectively by getting you into “solution consciousness” rather than “problem consciousness.”

Make your retreat in differently
Who wants to go on a retreat that seems like army camp? Let it be fun, and plan a variety of activities. For example, you might use the mornings for your most interiorized efforts: prayer, meditation, journal writing, or spiritual reading. Then be more expansive in the afternoons: walk in nature, do something creative, or listen to uplifting music or lecture tapes. In Outlive each and every day we have planned in this way. You are totally free with your inner-self.

Keep Perspective
Your free time is precious, and it’s only natural to be concerned over whether you’re doing it “right.” But there’s no magic formula for a retreat. Just find a flow that works for you, and go with it. In Outlive, You don’t have to pray and meditate all day long. You don’t have to stay in silence or solitude. In outlive we have planned campfire, sight visiting to spiritual centres, ayurvedic wellness treatment, gardening, cooking, studying, performing, teaching, recreation, fasting, nature meditation, yoga etc. 

Relax and Enjoy Yourself
Don’t put pressure on yourself to see immediate, dramatic results. When you go on retreat, you are planting a spiritual seed. If you water it by your own continuing spiritual efforts, in time it will surely sprout into the flower of peace and joy that you seek.

What is Outlive

 “Outlive” – A trip to oneself, is a personalized retreat with wellness programmes for the individuals and families from any country. We basically colour your happiness by providing an exceptional chance to participate in the vibrant art, food, culture, values, religions, festivals, dance, music, craft, pottery, sculptures, celebrations, secularism, tradition, colorful festivals, ritual & art performances, ayurvedic treatments, vast and rich philosophies, practice of meditation, yoga, principle to liberate the potential of mind, body and soul written and whispered by Great Mystical Legends.

As part of this initiative, the traveler will be in retreat from their stressful daily life. During these days they recollect about themselves and set new goal and vision for their life through which they can attain excellence in their personal and professional life. Daily guided mediation, Stress Assessment programmes, Daily personalized nutritionally balance vegetarian meal plans, wellness coaching and goal setting session etc. will definitely assist the participants to be relaxed and control over their mental pressure. We help the participants to refresh their THOUGHTS - practice good ACTIONS - acquire good HABITS – transform it to noble BEHAVIORS and thus to be excellent in any life situations.

Who can be part of Outlive?

The individual/group/couples/travelers anyone from any destination can participate in this programme provided they should have deep thirst to learn authentic living principles to tackle and win the new generation realities.

Where can find Outlive

The programme is being conducted at Columbus Retreat – a nature oriented resort specially designed for conducting Outlive retreat. The natural ambiance of the resort and its campus is shaped and designed with verities of natural plans, ponds, trees, climate etc. Certainly the atmosphere in the resort campus is first parts which attract the individual to this retreat. 

 Benefit from Outlive

·         Finest Accommodation
·         Workshops and Informal Group Sessions on multi dimensional wellness, law of attraction, visualization etc.
·         Daily Yoga and Relaxation Session.
·         Daily Guided Meditation Session or Workshop
·         Nutrigenomic assessment.
·         Stress Assessment
·         Ayurveda body composition assessment.
·         Daily Personalized Nutritionally Balanced Vegetarian Meal Plans (Juices, Broths and Super foods)
·         A Personal Diet and Nutrition Consultation and Personalized Lifestyle Planning.
·         Chakra balancing, cleansing and healing (Pranic healing)
·         Life & Wellness Coaching, Goal Setting
·         Daily personal conference to refresh THOUGHTS – to ACTION – acquire good HABBIT- and transform to noble BEHAVIOUR

Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Adaminte Chayakada - A kidu restaurant in Kozhikode

Story of a Freak Restaurant in Kozhikode


Entrance of the Chayakada 
Adaminte Chayakada” – a special name. The tea stall is special and diverse in everything, even from the name of the stall to the name of each and every food items- “It is totally different”. To taste and experience the special dish, each one has to visit the stall. If you are making a journey to Kozhikode it is priceless to experience the famous “Adaminte Chayakada” in Kozhokode.

Last day, during my usual conversation with Dijesh, I came to know this special restaurant. He said me about the verity manifestation of this restaurant including its names and taste. Dijesh has visited this restaurant a few days before and it is enlarged my curiosity about this restaurant.

My bro Dijesh and his family at Adaminte Chayakad

Origin of Tea Stall

 “Adaminte Chayakada” – ‘Adam’s Tea Stall’ is a new generation trendy restaurant in Kozhikode. But, the visitors to the restaurant are not only new generation Bro’s and freaken’s; there are interesting Kozhikoden families with ladies and children. This restaurant is started in the year 2015 October during the Ramadan season, as making the special cuisine for “Nombu –thura”. Anyway “Adaminte Chayakada” became a celebrated restaurant in the hearts of Kozhikodan and the day by day increasing visitors to the restaurant is the clear proof for it. Aneez Adam, an investment banker is behind this special venture. Even brooss and freekens from outside Kozkikode used to visit this restaurant to taste the delicious food items at Adaminte Chayakada.

Food at Adaminte Chayakada
Cuisine at Tea Stall

“Adaminte Chayakada” is formed as old traditional house of Kerala decorated with Palm leaves in the front porch. A special treat is spread out here, with various verities of delicious food with new generation names. ‘Chicken Pottitherichathu’ (Chicken Exploded), Chicken Hangama, Antham Vitta Appam (Surprised Appam) and Olichu Kalikunna Chemmin Kootam (Prawns playing hide and seek) are the creative food-substance of Adaminte Chayakada.

Kerala special delicious cuisine namely "Puttu"

As the name spells out ‘Chicken Pottitherichathu’ is definitely look shattered and ‘chicken cheeripanjathu’ is a delicacy where the meant acquires a slightly green colour since it is cooked with the juice of Spinach. One of another verity of food item at Chayakada is ‘Chicken Maram Chutty Fry.’ The term ‘Maram Chutty’ translates to ‘running around trees’. It is named thus since the chicken meat is cooked rolled up on a rod. ‘Chicken Vattom Karakiyathu’ (Chicken swirled around) is chicken meat roasted to a circular` shape.

New Gen Brosssssss at Chayakada 
The cuisine prepared in real Malabar traditional method and added some modern technique to attract the “new gen brosssss”. “Chicken Poothri Fry”, “Adichapoli”, “Undampoori”, “Hungama”, “Nirithi Porichatu”, “Adaminte Adbudha Chemmin Fry”, “Chicken ketty pothinajathu” etc. are some of the other dishes available at the chayakada. The diversity in the names of the food reflected in the taste too. “It is really delectable and yummy” says my dear brooooo Mr. DJ.


This tea stall will be a good spot to experience the traditional Malabar cuisine in modern style. The resturant situated at Convent Road, Kozhikde. To visit the Facebook page of click below image .


Tuesday, 28 June 2016

The Portuguese relics @ Palliport


Which was the first tourist destination in my life???

 I just went back to my childhood. It is nothing else than “Pallipurm Church & Fort”. I had my childhood studies at St. Mary’s High School, Palliport and during my studies I used to visit this fort along with my friends. Usually the visits were conducted on Friday’s, because lunch intervals of Friday’s are reasonably long (About two and half hours). On independence days the fort will be opened for the public and many people from different parts used to visit it. Last day, once again I had a visit the same spot.

Pallipuram Fort  

Portuguese Fort at Palliport
Pallipuram, (Palliport) the location of the “Portuguese Fort”, is at the northern end of Vypeen Island. The Island was formed after the great floods of 1341 and it has 25 Kilometer long and has an average width of 2 kilometers. The island boasts of a rich cultural heritage with monuments which stand out prominent in India’s history. This land has the story of invasion by many foreign regimes. The Portuguese, Dutch, and British dynasties had ruled the land and the hexagonal fort built by the Portuguese in 1503 still stands as one of the oldest European Monuments of India.

The Fort has a gigantic hexagonal structure in the middle of a bustling town. Amid huge trees, the fort stands like a token of endurance, its mildew walls ravaged by time, whitewash and the scrawny, unsure letterings of teenage vandals. The rusty iron gate to the fort is locked with a cycle chain.

Inner Area of Ayakotta 
The architecture of the fort is quite fascinating with a hexagonal outpost and the lowest floor raised to a height of five feet. Laterite, mortar and wood are used for the construction. The layout enables to mount as many guns as possible commanding all quarters round the fort. There is a cellar inside the fort, which was used at that time as a magazine. There is an open space inside, affording easy passage to the cellar. The local people believe that the cellar is a “tunnel”, which is now completely claimed by darkness and cobwebs. It was just a cellar used for storing gunpowder. But the locals believe it is a tunnel that leads to the Cheraman Masjid in Kodungallur.

Layout plan of Ayakotta

The fort is also known as the Ayikotta or the Alikotta, the fort was surrendered to the Dutch army in 1663, when they occupied Cochin. The clearing in which it stands opens out into one of the busier veins of the Veeranpuzha, connecting Ernakulam to the Munambam harbour. The bluish-green waters swell gently as fishing boats zip by. Flanked by decrepit small buildings, which used to be police quarters, the fort has uncomplainingly merged into the landscape, its compound harboring thousands of fluorescent green insects and mosquitoes.

The fort was purchased by the Travancore Raja in 1798 and is now a protected monument of the Kerala State Department of Archaeology. However, the caretaker appointed by the Department is absent. During my childhood also he was always absent!!!

Pallipuram Convent School

A little South of this fort, by the lakeside, the Portuguese had built a theological school called “Vyikotta Seminary”. The printing press built at this School in 1577 is claimed to be the first printing press in Kerala by some historians. In 1661, the Dutch defeated the Portuguese, as a result of which the Seminary, which was under Jesuit priests, was transferred along with the press to Chendamangalam. The Dutch converted the Seminary to a Leprosy centre.

In 1728, the Dutch sold Pallipuram to the King of Travancore. However, the Leprosy Centre and some adjoining buildings were excluded from this sale and continued to be with the Dutch. These properties came under British authority, eventually, when the British defeated the Dutch in 1795. Till recently, this area was known as “British”. As per the agreement between the Dutch and British, the Leprosy Centre continued to be run till 1921. Afterwards, they were handed over to missionaries to establish a Nunnery and School, which are still functioning as “Convent School” at Palliport.

Basilica of Our Lady of Snow

Basilica of Our Lady of Snow 
The place got its name perhaps from the church, dedicated to Our Lady of Snow (or the Manjumatha church), built by the Portuguese in 1503. ‘Palli’ is church in Malayalam and the surrounding areas became Pallipuram. Legend has it that the church got its strange name from a miraculous snowfall that occurred when Tipu Sultan tried to destroy it. Mist enveloped the church and hid it from Tipu’s view and all he managed to destroy was the top portion of the fort. Though it has been rebuilt the ancient structure remains in a corner of the compound, as a museum of epitaphs. The wooden roof gave in years ago, so a false roof has taken its place, every boat that passes by stops here and seeks blessings. The church has been declared as the (minor basilica) Basilica of Our Lady of Snow on 27th August 2012. The feast of the church is very famous and it is being celebrated on 5th of Every August.

Madubaha in the Basilica

The Kadalattukurishu, is the remains of an ancient church a few feet from Our Lady of Snow. The devout locals believe the sea brought the cross to the island and hence came to be known as ‘Kadalattukurishu’. But what exists today is just a small, distinctly Portuguese church, with its insides barnacled by moss and small plants.

Pallipuram now finds itself under unexpected spotlight. It comes under the Muziris Heritage Project, launched by the Department of Cultural Affairs, to retrieve and preserve the historical heritage of the area. Beneath the chaos of daily life, every street treasures a thousand secrets within its bosom, of civilizations and conquests.


Monday, 27 June 2016

Chavittu Nadakam - Flourish in the Island of Festivals

A story of a village which safeguard the traditional art-form 


Myself with Mr. Thambi Payyapilly
Recently, I met Mr.Thambi Payyapilly, a chief exponent, teacher and actor in Chavittu Nadakam at Gothuruth Village. I have read many articles and news about his profound efforts and activities being done in promoting the traditional Christian classical art, namely “Chavittu Nadakam.” This inspired me to write this blog. We cannot directly penetrate into this art-form, because “Chavittu Nadakam” is most deeply related with the island called “Gothuruth.” So therefore first we must understand the village - Gothuruth.

Gothuruth- an Island of Festival

Map of Kerala 
Gothuruth is a village in the state of Kerala, India, is located in the Ernakulam district, Paravur Taluk. Kochi city is situated 19.2 km away and International Airport situated nearly 24 km away from this island. It is also said that, the Gothuruthu was cattle grazing land, owned by Paliath Achan, who was the hereditary prime ministers to the Rajah of Kingdom of Cochin (Kochi). Scientific studies state that this island was created due to a flood in the early 14th century. It is located where the ancient Roman port city Muziris was once situated. This is the birthplace of the traditional art form Chavittu Nadakam . Each year a lot of celebrations and cultural programmes took place and so the island is now known as the 'Island of Festivals'. Majority of the population are highly literate and strictly religious.

This place was ruled by one and the only Christian royal family in India, called Villarvattom, which means the rulers of the land protected by a bow(villu) shaped river(aaru).Villarvattam was a vassal kingdom under Kochi, at the time of Raja Thoma Villarvattam. This area was ceded to the Kingdom of Kochi, as the Villarvattam family did not have male children, and the female who inherited the throne was married to Paliam royal family. 13 Nasrani families under the leadership of Outha Kalathil paid a huge amount of money to Kochi rulers and retained their rights on the land.

Chavittu Nadakam – “Stamping Drama”
Thambi Payyapilly & Team perform Chavittu Nadakam
Gothuruth is famous for the art form "Chavittu Nadakam". Portraying Christian history, it is a blend of traditional Portuguese art form brought by Portuguese missionaries to this coastal area and local art forms. In this new hybrid art form, the performers stamp their feet hard into the wooden stage to make a loud noise, which gave the form its name: 'Chavittu Nadakam', literally 'stamping drama'. In a typical show, there would be 150-200 people on stage. Now the performers are down to 75 and the duration of a show is shortened to 2-3 hours. The Chavittu Nadakam performers now perform on Gothuruthu Island, where the Kerala Chavittu Nataka Academy has been established.
 History & Origin of Chavittu Nadakam
Chavittu Nadakam 
Chavittu Nadakam (Malayalam:ചവിട്ടുനാടകം) is a highly colorful Latin Christian classical art form originated in Cochin, Kerala state in India. Commonly believed that Gothuruth is the birth place of Chavittu Nadakam. This art form highly resembles European Opera. Chavittu Nadakam is believed to be originated during the 16th century AD. This form of play is prevalent among the Latin Christian community in the districts of Alappuzha, Ernakulam and Thrissur of Kerala, India.

Chavittunadakam has an interesting history behind it. Its history begins with arrival of the Portuguese to the Malabar shores. When the Portuguese came to Kerala, they felt emptiness in their cultural arena. They required a medium to spread the myths and the legends, which they held in reverence. They were impressed with Kathakali, but their inflated feeling did not allow them to graft their legends on it. The solution was to create a distinctive dance drama of their own. Collaborating with Malayalee scholars they produced librettos which extorted the heroic exploits of legendary Christian warriors. Thus they created a distinctive dance drama of their own and named it as Chavittu Nadakam.

Characteristics of Chavittu Nadakam

A significant step in the drama 
Chavittu Nadakam is usually performed on open stages. Sometimes the interior of a church is also a location. In Chavittu Nadakam there are large numbers of characters all in glittering medieval dress.  The actors sing their lines loudly with exaggerated sign and they stamp their feet with great force on the wooden stage. The language used is a colloquial blend of Tamil and Malayalam. 

A peculiar feature of this drama art is the actors pounding (stamping or Chavittu) the dance floor producing resonant sounds to emphasize the dramatic situations. Hence literally Chavittu Nadakam means 'Stamping Drama'. The play is considered a success if at the end, the stage cave into the pressure of heavy stamping. It is the form of traditional musical dance drama, which symbolizes the martial tradition of Keralites. Dance and instrumental music are combined in these art forms.

In these art forms there is a great importance for dance and art. Foot stamping dance, fighting and Kalaripayatu are the essential part of Chavittunadakam. Royal dresses and ornamental costumes are necessary. Training is obtained from the Guru Kula form of education. Historical incidents, the life and adventure of heroes like Charlemagne; stories of Napolean were the themes of Chavittunadakam in the 16th century. In the 18th century, spiritual themes like "Allesu-Natakam", "Cathareena Natakam",the victory of the Isaac etc were the themes. In 19th century moral themes like "Sathyapalan";"Njanasundhari","Komala Chandrika"were handled.

Kerala Chavittu Nataka Academy
Costume of Performer 
Kerala Chavittu Nadaka Academy is an institution exclusively for the promotion of this theatre form. Established in 2005 Chavittu Nataka Academy came into being with a view to revive, sustain and strengthen the centuries-old art form. The prime vision and mission of the Academy is to document the cultural legacy of Chavittu Natakam and to promote it as one of the unique theatre art forms of Kerala.
The Academy has staged around 1000 performances since its launch and today, Chavittu Natakam is performed at all places, both public and private, religious and non-religious. The art form has generously incorporated elements of Kalarippayattu, opera, Tamil folklore music and biblical themes to derive a distinctive style of its own. Among the contemporaries who worked selflessly to promote Chavittu Natakam, the name of Sebina Rafi, the wife of writer Ponjhikkara Rafi needs a special mention. She extensively researched the costumes and took great pains to get a play staged in Delhi before Jawaharlal Nehru and other dignitaries. She also wrote a book titled Chavittu Natakam in 1964. Today, there are masters like A.N. Anirudhan who passionately impart lessons.
Crown and shoes used in the performance 
In 2012, the Academy hit headlines with its protest against the Government's decision not to include the art form as a competitive item in State School Youth Festival competitions. They staged a performance on the streets as the inaugural procession was passing by. Today, it’s a much preferred item in the Youth Festival and the response is overwhelming. The Academy which has the recognition of Kerala Folklore Academy has also received a grant from Kendra Sangeeta Nataka Academy to train children for three years with a stipend.
Promotion of Chavittu Nadakam 

Thambi Payyapilly is the chief exponent of this art form and one who has excelled in it for around 33 years on and off the chavittu natakam stage. His efforts have been assisted many schools in Kerala to achieve higher laurels in Chavittu Nadakam Competion in the Kerala School Youth Festivals.
Thambi Payyapilly's performance as King
I have been training school students for more than 10 years. They are mostly children from the fifth standard to the Higher Secondary level of Gothuruthu St. Sebastian School. Chavittu natakam has to be taught and learnt as any other art form, meticulously, so that it can be passed on to the next generation. There are so many who pursue the learning even after completing school. We need such people to promote it further, across India and abroad,” says Thambi Payyapilly who has lots of hopes pinned on him.
If you ask someone in Gothuruthu how many times they have watched a chavittu natakam performance, they are likely to say they have lost count. And they would say that, “We belong to Gothuruthu and have seen the art from a very young age. Our parents and teachers are associated with it. We found our friends learning and enjoying it, and soon we too were a part of it.” Thambi Aashan teaches this art-form with many reasons - to learn a unique art form, to win various competitions, to enjoy ourselves, to entertain others, to help maintain the land’s cultural legacy.
Thambi Payyapilly narrates his experience on the stage

Entertainment is an intrinsic part of the performance. Technically great stress is laid on the rhythmic stamping with the foot but that itself does not make a successful performance. An element of ‘acting’ to go in harmony with the songs, story, training for the feet combined with a range of expressions and gestures makes the art form. The performance has verity of well-defined body movements. The finest display of the art-form is ‘mangalam’, the session at the very end, where all characters appear in a scene. It makes a colorful impact. As per the performer the ‘aaram chuvadu’ is difficult to learn, but once learnt it becomes exceptionally impressive for the artist and viewer.
Thambi attests that his experience with students is more heartening than anything else because, it authenticates the existence of Chavittu Natakam. The routine practice sessions are held in the courtyard of a house, where the little ones hone their craft to levels beyond those of an amateur capability. A year and a half of strenuous effort is required to learn the basic ‘chuvadu’, the songs that accompany the theme of the ‘natakam’,and then to present the ‘chuvadu’ in tandem with the music to using the ‘kai mudra' unique to chavittu natakam.
 Statue of Chinnathambi Annavi
Statue of Chinnathambi Annavi
The statue of Chinnathambi Annavi, the 16th century founder of Central Kerala’s dance drama Chavittur Nadakam, initiated as part of the maiden Kochi-Muziris Biennale was unveiled at Gothuruthu Island. Union Minister of State for Food and Consumer Affairs K. V. Thomas unveiled the statue.
Though Chavittu Natakam is believed to have originated in areas near Fort Kochi, it was resurrected, and is flourishing, in areas like Gothuruthu, thanks to the efforts of the art loving commoners of this nondescript village. There are a lot of people hard lovers of Chavittu Nadakam and who spend the maximum time for the promotion of this traditional art-form. The Kerala Chavittu Nadaka Academy is doing a remarkable job by training the students from various schools all throughout Kerala. Thus it created a keen interest and love in the younger generation towards this colorful traditional art-from. I herewith conclude this article and trust the future of “Chavittu Nadakam” is secure in the hands of Gothruruth – a village which has witnessed the origin of this traditional art form.
